Oil Painting vs. Watercolor: Which Style Should I Choose?
Are you thinking about painting your house, but don’t know which type of paint will suit you best? Here, we will discuss two types of paint: oil painting vs. watercolor. We invite you to keep reading this blog to learn all you need to know.
Know the Distinctions Between Oil Painting vs. Watercolor
So, what’s the main difference between oil painting vs. watercolor? Oil-based paints often help you get walls with a higher sheen level. Moreover, they are thicker and have more color depending on their quality. On the other hand, watercolor paints have a lower sheen level but last a long time.
Oil-Based House Paints
When it comes to oil painting, there are multiple reasons why you should opt for them. For instance, this type of paint provides a unique brightness to your walls due to its oil components, and at the same time, provides a rich texture to the walls.
Besides, most homeowners choose oil paint because they have a powerful cover over the house’s walls. The durability is another reason you should pick it, and most importantly, oil-based house paints are more resistant to stains and different temperatures.
Peeling off could be a severe problem, and some walls with excess moisture have to be checked. Also, if you painted with latex-based paint, remove damage zones because it complicates the adhesion of oil paints. If you follow all those steps, oil-based paints will give a new look to your house, but remember that oil-based paints are more expensive (most of the time).
Is It Safe to Use Oil Paint Indoors?
Yes, but you should follow some professional advice because some areas are not recommendable to paint. Oil-based paints could be toxic, depending on some solvents (used to varnish the color) that change the painting process.
For example, it is inappropriate to use oil paints on dormitories with no ventilation because some paint gases could put your health at risk. Also, one of the disadvantages of using oil-based paint indoors is that it expels a toxic fume in the drying time process, so inhaling this fume could bring some diseases like cancer.
For that, your best option is to use it outdoors!
Water-Based House Paints
Water-based paints, in comparison to oil-based, offer different benefits. Watercolor paints are one of the best options for house indoors due to their power to resist mildew and stains growth. They can last over 10 years depending on the wall treatment, and these paints take less time to dry, which means they don’t need as much ventilation as oil-based ones.
Moreover, paints use water-based solvents, which are less toxic than oil-based. Also, they are more eco-friendly because of the same water material. Homeowners have less possibility to suffer from irritation, and one of the most significant advantages is the color retention over the wall.
There exist two types of water-based colors: latex and acrylic paints; both are great options for painting. Acrylic water paints are great for watercolor projects, but they are great for painting doors and ceilings designs for kitchens.
Is It Safe to Use Water-Based Paints for Exterior?
Perhaps, you are thinking no, but the truth is that yes, you can water-based paints for exterior walls. These paints are more resistant to rough environments. As water is the main composition, this aspect helps with humidity, which usually damages some colors. Also, to make it more resistant, many layers of paint are used over the wall.
Furthermore, latex paints are better because they can maintain the color over the sunlight that usually damages the color. It is recommended not to use low temperatures because of the dry process, so winter is not the best option to paint your house with water-based color paints.
Are Watercolor Paints for Novices?
While most homeowners don’t like to use watercolors for their walls since they might seem faded, the truth is that they are an affordable way to renew your walls. Not only that, but they are also great for small DIY projects. Lastly, unlike oil paints, you can remove watercolor easily from your clothes.
Furthermore, you should consider professional advice because painting an entire house and identifying which type of paint is for every area could be complicated. So, take the time to contact someone specialized.
Which Is Best Between an Oil Painting vs. Watercolor?
When choosing the better one between an oil vs. watercolor, you must know that each offers you its set of unique benefits. While oil paintings provide a more long-lasting result to homeowners, watercolors are more affordable and don’t hurt your budget.
Moreover, oil-based paints offer you better color pigmentation and cover. It is better outdoors, and most of the time, they can resist everything. As you learn above, they are highly toxic if there is a wrong combination with solvents, so it is better not to use them in places without ventilation.
In contrast, water-based paints are more friendly with the environment, and they are better for indoors. Besides, they have a fast paint dry process, and one of the main advantages is a lower sheen finish. They are perfect for your health due to their water origin, and over time, it is easier to cover mildew and stains.
So, as it is said, “one man’s meat is another man’s poison,” so there exist many homeowners with different preferences. Both are great options, but it is essential to analyze the aspect of your area because the application depends on different weather conditions. Also, for some zones, it’s recommendable to use watercolor as in other oil-based paints.
Now that you learn about the different aspects of oil painting vs. watercolor, it is essential to have professional advice to avoid any dangerous circumstance, especially oil-based. To start painting, choose the one you can afford and like and follow all the instructions.
Remember that you can always count on Martin’s Bay Area for any questions you have for your painting projects. Our team is here to provide you with the best solutions in the market.